5 of The Best WordPress Plugins for Social Marketing


Internet marketing has been changing rapidly in recent years. SEO is still the oldest trick in the book that works really well for promoting a website or a blog, but we now have video marketing and social media along with other instruments to use. An integrated internet marketing campaign works much more effectively, which means it is necessary to know how to utilize the right instruments to get the best results.


Social media is particularly interesting, because the current platforms allow you interact with and engage visitors directly. You can also rely on the sharing power and social networks of your readers to broaden the reach of your site. Even better, WordPress allows you to do so much with social media and these 5 of the best WordPress plugins will help you get started in no time.


Social Warfare

One of the first things you need to do to optimize your site for social marketing is to make sharing contents from your pages as easy as it can be. This means placing social sharing buttons where visitors can access them conveniently. It is also necessary to make these buttons pop and capture attention.
There are plenty of plugins that can be used to add social sharing buttons, but Social Warfare is the one that stands out. The plugin has a number of customization options that will make placing attractive social buttons easy.


Revive Old Post

Consistency is another key to social media success. Unfortunately, not all bloggers and site owners can invest the time and money needed to continually produce high quality contents at a fast rate; those who try to do so often end up with low quality contents too.


Instead of going over the limit and publishing low quality contents, you can actually take advantage of Revive Old Post to tweet about older articles that are still relevant. Timeless articles such as tutorials are easy to re-share on Twitter and other social networking sites with this plugin.


Social Media Icons

Gaining followers is just as important as getting viewers to share your contents, which is why you need to also let your viewers know about your social media pages. The best way to do this is by displaying a consistent set of social media icons that users can simply click to follow you on different networks.
Most themes now come with this functionality as standard. You will either see a line of social media icons at the top – near the main logo – or at the bottom of the page. If you want to add more icons to the Widgets area, you can also use Social Media Icons.


The plugin lets you choose your own icons for each social networking site, so you can easily use custom icons to make the display stand out even more. You can also add a short text or call to action to the widget to arouse clicks.


Social Viral Downloader

Social Viral Downloader is a must-have if you often share downloadable products or freebies. Instead of letting users download these freebies right away, you can ask them to ‘pay’ for the free download using social media shares. This approach is surprisingly effective in getting users to share more, especially when you have great freebies that are interesting and valuable.


You can, for instance, create a series of wallpapers for smartphones and offer them as free downloads. It is a great branding opportunity plus a way to get users to willingly share your site. The same plugin can also be used to hide coupon codes or other digital contents.


Social Metrics Tracker

To wrap a good social media campaign together, you also need a way to track social shares and other social media activities. There are plenty of plugins that can handle tracking your site’s social media performance, but Social Metrics Tracker is the most straightforward one to use.


As the name suggests, Social Metrics Tracker keeps track of social media interactions. It will also act as a standard site statistic tool, tracking views and user interactions on the site. The collected metrics are then processed and displayed alongside an analysis. You can even get recommendations on how to further improve your social media campaigns.


All of these plugins are made for WordPress and compatible with the latest version of this CMS platform. They offer specific functionalities that will certainly make your site better in terms of social marketing performance. While they may not be enough individually, this set of 5 top plugins can boost your social media impact by a substantial margin.


Don’t forget that you can’t expect to set these plugins up and get results. Similar to other internet marketing instruments, social media campaigns need to be refined and evaluated for them to be effective and up to date. Use the tools available to you to stage a social marketing campaign that will take your website to new heights.


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