Archive for " Featured"

25 High Quality Landscape Pictures

25 High Quality Landscape Pictures

Since one of our older inspiration articles “called 10 High Quality Landscape Pictures” is so populair, I decided to create a second Landscape inspiration article including 25 amazing landscapes from all over the world to help you inspire. You can use all these photos “from different photographers” in your personal work, however if you would like to get bigger photo sizes and would like to find out if you can use them in you[...]

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Amazing Collection Of Inspiring Fantasy Art

Amazing Collection Of Inspiring Fantasy Art

There are hundreds or more different art styles that designers use these days. Most of the designers are specialized in one or two different styles. So in this post I will show you some amazing Fantasy paint style artwork that will help you inspire and create your first fantasy drawing or if you are not new to fantasy artwork, this can help you inspire to create your next fantasy drawing. […]

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10 Most Creative 404 Pages

10 Most Creative 404 Pages

Almost all webdesigners know what a “404 page” is. Its a error page telling you that the page you are looking for can not be found. Most of the time its a simple and plain error page, but some designer decided to put a creative twist on their 404 error page. In this post you can find 10 of the most creative and well designed 404 pages on the web. […]

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Create A Dramatic Rain Scene

Create A Dramatic Rain Scene

In this tutorial i will show you how to Create A Dramatic Rain Scene in photoshop. This tutorial can be used on almost all pictures. First we will create some rain on top of the pictures using some different filters, then we will create a gradient layer on top of the rain layer for the dramatic effect. I used Photoshop CS4 to create this tutorial. […]

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