9 Website Design Trends You Need To Be Aware About
Web design is an ever-changing industry where new trends come and go. Sometimes these trends are evolved by necessity while others are just industry shifts, like the shift from skeuomorphism to flat design.
As an online brand, it becomes quite imperative to stay up-to-date with these trends to prevent falling behind competitors. However, the decision to follow a particular type of web design trends should rely on the demands of your audience as well as your business. The decision must never completely be based on “what bigger sites are doing”. As a matter of fact, design trends fade away. A site which is built solely on trends also becomes out of date in no time.
These website design trends are often evolved and introduced by web designers who are constantly on the lookout to bring new changes in the design industry by showcasing their artistic side through these trends.
What’s interesting about these trends is that you never know when you’ll find next interesting design for your website.
Without further ado, let’s explore some of the most popular and latest design trends you should be aware of.
1. Flat Design 2.0
Flat design isn’t a new design trend and has been around for a while now. This design typically integrates subtle gradients, clean and elegant appearance, bold typography and so much more. Flat Design 2.0 is a design renewed by Google’s Material design in 2014 after Apple’s iOS 7 in 2013. Swiss, Bauhaus and minimalism style has inspired this particular design trend.
The flat design 2.0 has driven so much attention that it is going to bring further trends to the forefront including simple typography, ghost buttons, vibrant color schemes, long shadows and minimalism.
2. Browser-Based IDEs
You may be aware of desktop IDEs such as Visual Studio, Xcode and Notepad++ that have been around for years. Desktop IDEs basically makes it extremely convenient for the designer to write code since these IDEs comes with syntax highlighting and suggestions. However, these IDEs have been launched as desktop apps. With the passage of time, we have certainly seen a drastic growth in browser-based cloud IDEs. These IDEs merely need a web browser to enable web developers to write code from any system with an access to the internet.
3. Visual Pattern and Scrolling
You certainly have seen many websites making use of parallax scrolling effect. This scrolling effect enables the background and foreground content to move at different speeds, building a depth illusion. This design trend adds another dimension to a website and enables it to stand out.
4. Card Layouts
If you have been pretty impressed with the design layout of Pinterest, get ready to integrate the same design into your website. Card Layout has certainly been gaining a huge popularity after being introduced by Pinterest a few years ago. Since then, Card Layout has become a popular trend for content-based websites. This layout is well-suited for web pages that have a lot of data to be displayed. Another great example of Card Layout design is Google Now App’s landing page that proudly uses card layout to advertise its optional cards.
Tip: if you are running a WordPress-powered website, you can easily make use of various free plugins such as jQuery Masonry to mimic this style.
5. Live Product Previews
Live Product Previews is yet another popular trend that has taken the e-commerce marketplace by storm. Landing page designs have seen drastic rise stemming from browser capabilities and faster internet speeds. These live product previews are added directly on custom landing pages or on homepages. This design trend meant to offer potential visitors a peek into how the product works.
6. UX Based Design
The online world revolves around web users and thus, enhanced user experience has become the most important thing that is quickly gaining attention. User experience design is all about capturing the attention of a user while making it easier for them to navigate around the site without getting bewildered with so many elements and options. Moreover, User Interface is a part of UX based design where the user interface is enhanced to improve the user experience.
7. Hero Video Headers
Hero video headers converting the online world into the amazing movie-style experience. Enhanced video plugin incorporation and increased speed internet connections are making it extremely convenient for a majority of sites to offer movie-style experience to their end users. Video clips in the headers are rising from small snippets to complete preview videos. The pictures used are in HD, crisp, and sharp, providing a video experience on the internet which is indeed new to online users.
8. Split Screens
Split screen design trend, as the name suggests, divides the screen vertically into two halves presenting two different elements on each side.
The reasons for the introduction of this design absolutely justifies this trend.
- A business may have two most important things to advertise of equal importance, this design allows it to conveniently promotes both the things.
- A business perhaps looking to advertise the images or media on one side and advertise the essentials on the other half.
As an instance, a shoe store may want to show some of its product images on the right while showcasing its brand identity on the left.
Split screens design has been gaining a lot of popularity among business sites who find it imperative to introduce their brand to their users in an interactive way while capturing their attention through showcasing their products and services simultaneously.
Author Bio:
Kerin Miller is a WordPress Developer by profession and writer by hobby. She works for Stellen Infotech – Web Design and Development Company providing web solutions to global cleints. If you need to hire a Web Developer connect with her on Twitter.
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