Archive for " design giveaway"

GIVEAWAY: 1000 Frosted Plastic Business Cards and $100 Cash!

GIVEAWAY: 1000 Frosted Plastic Business Cards and $100 Cash!

To make sure 2013 will be a great year for our readers,  our sponsor Elite is hooking up one of our lucky readers with some cool business cards & a bonus prize of a cool $100.00 bucks!   But before you join our giveaway I would like to ask you to read our Frosted Plastic Business Cards Review that we posted a view days ago,  trust me they are great and I know you’ll want them.   We will give these 1000 Frosted Plastic[...]

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New Year Giveaway: 15 Free Pro Rollip Accounts


Happy New Year to everyone. It was a great year and this year promise to be even better. To celebrate 2010 there will be a giveaway here on tutorialfreakz. This giveaway is about a new website called This website offers 40 free photo manipulation effects ranging from 70’s vintage to more modern ones. I got a Pro account on to test there service. And i have to say it is very handy for people that do not have the time to[...]

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