Archive for " App Store"

10 iOS Apps Designers Must Have

10 iOS Apps Designers Must Have

These days almost every designer owns some kind of iOS device. It does not matter if you own an iPad, iPod Touch or iPhone, there are interesting apps for every device that every designer needs to check out. So i created a list of the top 10 iOS applications every designer must have. Check out the list below and pick some apps that will help you as a designer.     1. Photoshop Express For iOS (Download Here For Free). Adobe Photoshop Express[...]

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Tugi Tap: iPhone Game Designed By Tutorialfreakz!

Tugi Tap: iPhone Game Designed By Tutorialfreakz!

Hey Design fans, i would like to show you guys a iPhone game that Tutorialfreakz designed and worked on for the last view months it is available for download in the App Store. If you appreciate our work and design tutorials check out the game and let us know what you think of it. You can download Tugi Tap from the App Store for $0,99. Its a cartoony designed fast tapping action/puzzle game. Tugi Tap is a fast action, puzzle game in a nice designed[...]

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